Thursday, October 20, 2011

Recap of the last few days

    I’m going to keep this blog relatively short because I’m quite tired, but here’s a recap of the last few days. I’ve been working with TimePlan, yesterday half a day and today the full day.  Yesterdays half day was a bit chaotic due to the organizational structure of the school. I got there an hour early and wasn’t provided with the class I was teaching until 10 minutes before where instead of finding a lesson plan, I found a music note with a sticky note to teach a certain page. The lesson itself was fine but the students were chaotic and loud and I didn’t know the routines or methods of management used in the classroom. The students were trying to show me their reward and punishment system while I was trying to teach which caused even more chaos.

Today was a bit easier because my grade 5 classroom (which was only about half hour away :D ) had 2 teaching assistants there to help me. Between them and the other grade 5 teacher, they were able to help me come up with a lesson and transition the kids from one place to the next (since I had just got there and didn’t know where anything was- ex the computer lab). I’m not sure if it’s really that common here that no one ever has a lesson plan written out.

Aside from work, Matt and I have been trying to fix his phone, grocery shopping, gathering house supplies and attending to banking and moving paper work. We went out tonight for a very nice dinner of pasta and wine, a special going on at the 2nd subway station from us.

All is well, just very busy. I’m going to close this email up in order to get some sleep. Matt has already fallen asleep with his computer on top of him. Hehe. Anyways, night!

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