Sunday, October 30, 2011

Fri - Sun. Almost Halloween!

Alrighty where to start where to start... When I miss a day blogging it always gets so confusing as to what is relevant and how much detail to put into these things.

Anyhow Friday... What did we do Friday again? Ah yes, Matt has just reminded me. We went shopping in Kilurn to get a few more household items including a white chocolate toblerone!! Yum!! Spell check wants me to tell you I had a white chocolate cobblestone hehe. We also picked up Halloween costumes and then went home to make dinner. After dinner we ended up taking the underground back to Kilburn to attend the Halloween bar party we saw advertised earlier. There was a live band playing and horror movies playing behind the band via projector. No one else showed up in costume except 2 little lion men that weren't wearing their masks. We still had a great time and loved the music!

Saturday we decided to go out and check out all the touristy stuff. We went to get tickets for the Riverboat Cruise and London Eye, but it was horribly crowded and the lines looked like they would take hours. I suggested going to Tienamen Square until things got less crowded and then realized that that was in China and I was actually talking about Trafalgar Square. We instead wandered over to Trafalgar Square and saw all the statues and people and different things going on in the area. Mostly statues. Matt took my picture with a lion. I'll post those on Facebook, but let me tell you, it was not easy to get up there! After Trafalgar, we went back for the cruise and Eye and things were indeed less crowded! They were also very enjoyable and scenic, and the riveboat cruise announcer had a great sense of humour and explained the historical significance of what we passed. The Eye was amazing, we were on a giant Fairiswheel taller than Big Ben!! Afterwards, we went through a haunted house, which was fantastic!! The cashier was even an actor, dressed as a zombie, reaching towards our faces and trying to figure out why we were there and what we wanted. Upon entering, we were guided by a crazy "doctor" in "area 51" who was running around all panicked while telling us not to panic. He asked one of the guys entering the house if he had the key and the guy said no. The doctor freaked out, yelling at the guy for losing the key- after pulling one of his shirts off looking for it. He also freaked out because Matt said everyone was present yet had no idea how many people were there at the start :) The acting was fantastic, the zombies and ghouls that jumped out were sufficiently creepy and had me screaming and running.

Today was slightly lazier. We took our time getting ready, made some waffles, which we realized we accidentally bought waffle fries rather than pancake waffles... Why doesn't England have Eggos or breakfast waffles? Or poptarts? Or... those other ... Toaster Strudels! We've been looking all over the place and can't find the things I love for breakfast. Anyways, where was that thought originally going... Ah yes, we had our breakfast, did some grocery shopping, made some dinner and are back home with pictures organized that I will be posting soon. We will also be watching the rest of Star Trek since I was too tired and was passing out during it yesterday.

I must say, Matt and I have the funniest conversations here. For example:
Matt - "I'm good with conversation... Unless I have to pick a topic on the spot. Owls? Plates?"
Me - "Oh! I can seriously talk about plates!! See there was this book I was reading... (rambling continues on for a while while Matt laughs)

Life is good here. Everything has been fun and there has been so much laughter every day. We are still planning on learning Klingon and I still want to read that book about the toaster and find out why the song London Bridge is Falling Down was written. Must have been some sort of structural damage that was repaired at some point...

Anyways, hope those of you in Windsor and elsewhere are having as much fun! More rambling to come... eventually.

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