Today started off a bit later than it normally does –
packing up the tour bus at 7:45 before a light, well-defined breakfast (what we
got was all spelled out on a little piece of paper) and heading towards
The only stop we made along the way was to Pont de Guard,
which was really nice!!! It was a Roman Aqueduct that spanned over 50km with
only a 70 meter drop in height, which is really amazing! Especially during the
time it was built because they had to create any of the tools they needed. Not
like they could just go out a buy a leveler.
We carried on driving most of the day and eventually got to
the hostel. We arrived about 5pm and the plan was to have dinner at 7 and then
either all go out together or start exploring Barcelona. There was a bit of
confusion going on in the kitchen and we didn’t end up being able to eat until
about 9pm which made it a bit late to go out. Although some of the group was
out partying until 3am, Matt and I decided to hang back, get a bit more sleep
and be ready for the next morning.
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