Saturday, December 17, 2011

Holiday Break Time!!

Yesterday was the last day of work before the Christmas Holidays so now we are officially free for the Christmas Holidays!!!

The last week was good. I was doing my TA job in year 5 which was great. It was fun and there was something interesting going on almost every day because of Christmas coming up. On Friday there was a supply teacher who let me fill our spare hour doing different literacy games with the class. When the teacher walked in to check on the class, it was me teaching rather than the supply teacher. She seemed to like the game.

We went to a Board Game night on Monday and met some new people while playing a letter game (coming up with words in certain categories beginning with a letter on your card). That was a ton of fun and we spent most of the night laughing. We kept contact with a couple of the people there, and on Tuesday went to the Theater with them as one of them had access to free tickets. The show was amazing and we got to hang out at the pub afterwards where the guy we were hanging out with had a VIP card for 2 for 1 drinks. We learned a lot about these new friends, their lives, friends, people they had a crush on... They were really cool people and we plan to meet up with them again for a Christmas party and just to hang out.

I'm sure a few of you were wondering how the interview went. It went really well, however the headteacher wanted me to sign a 5 Year contract. My Visa is only good for 2 and I didn't want to commit to that length of time, so it ended rather short with me heading back home to do more applications. As for the other 2 places that called (plus few more by the end of the day) it turned out that they were recruitment agencies that called rather than schools. They all wanted me to register with them in order to apply for jobs. I will be registering with 1 more company Monday, however I don't want to work for too many companies because that would get confusing with TimeSheets.

Also, TimePlan may be setting up another interview for me next week (depending on how their conversation goes with the school). That position is for a year 2 teacher, about an hour away from home. Interviews are next week if I get one.

I got a job as a tutor as well. I am a tutor for a year 6 boy in math as well as a bit of science, English, history and whatever else. This boy attends a private school and his mother has very high expectations. I was at their house this morning and it went very well. I taught him a few new strategies and he has been able to do a few of the sections of the last test that he struggled with before.

Matt and I bought ourselves/each other a Christmas gift. We got an old TV off gumtree (England's Kijiji). That's not the exciting part. The reason we got it was so we could use the actual gift- the Wii! Matt is currently working on setting it up.

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